Vietnam Veterans Memorial Ceremony
15 June 2019
Pittsburgh, PA
The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited by Vietnam Veterans Inc. honoring Jimmy M Cvedic U.S. Air Force, Vietnam Veteran.
After the Vietnam War, Jimmy became for almost 30 years, an Allegheny County Police Detective with Homicide and Narcotics.
During his spare time, Jimmy was instrumental with assistance of other veterans in the building of the Black Granite Vietnam Memorial located in downtown Pittsburgh.
On Saturday, the names of he KIA’s will be called by the Gold Star Families, Mothers, Wives, PGR and all who would like to participate then the Vietnam Veterans Inc (VVI) will perform Military Honors.
They stood for us, it’s now its our turn to Stand for Jimmy and all Vietnam Veterans from the community.
Saturday, 15 June 2019
Staging: 9:00 AM
There will be parking available across the street from the Memorial with a flat rate of $4.00 at
Burger King located in
The Garage At Manor Complex
564 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Briefing: 9:15 AM
Flag Line: 9:30 AM
Memorial at 10:00 AM
All are welcome, including children. Members can attend all of a mission or any part of the mission. PGR sets no time for a member to stand a mission. We Thank You for whatever time you give us, and the families of our heroes appreciate your time.
This time of year deer are on the move so, please be aware & alert of your surroundings.
Please watch the weather,dress accordingly,hydrate and bring your 3×5 hand held American flags.