23 July 1949 – 10 Sept 2018
Celebration Of Life
Richard “Rick Shovelhead” Thomas Sr
US Navy
Vietnam Era Veteran
PGRPA SRC Region 1
10 November 2018
The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited by the family of Richard “Rick Shovelhead” Thomas Sr To Stand In Honor for Rick’s Celebration Life.
Richard L. “Rick” Thomas Sr., 69 Corry, Pa., passed Monday, Sept. 10, 2018.
Rick served in the United States Navy, from 1969 until 1972 during the Vietnam Era until his Discharge in 1974.
After time served, Rick continued Giving Back and became a Member of VFW Post #264 of Corry and was actively involved as a proud Member and Brother as one of our SRC’s (Senior Ride Captain )Region 1 with Patriot Guard Riders of Pennsylvania.
Rick stood for Countless Heroes and their families,many lives were impacted by his Love for his country, those who defend it and sadly, those who Gave their all.
Rick served our county with Honor, now it’s our turn To Stand In Honor for him.
Saturday, 1O November 2018
Staging: 11:15 AM
Located across the street of the VFW Post# 264
At Dr. Kurt E. Lund, MD
1086 Mead Ave, Corry, PA 16407
Briefing: 11:30 AM
Flag Line: 11:45 AM
After Friends & Family Arrive, Reset Flag Line Indoors.
Celebration of Life 1pm-6pm
If you would like,you may bring a dish or a dessert.
Please Watch The Weather, Dress Accordingly & Bring Your 3 X 5 Handheld American Flags.
RCIC: Dale Mallory
(724) 992-9186