Patriot Guard Riders Pennsylvania
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Memorial Day Ceremony /25 May 2020 / Gibsonia, PA


May 20


Memorial Day Ceremony
25 May 2020
Gibsonia, PA

The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited to stand in silent honor for a Memorial Day Ceremony on Memorial Day at Richland Township Community Park. Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who died serving our country, defending her and giving us the freedom we have today.

Memorial Day Program
Final Roll Call
James S. “Jim Bacho Sr. (Korean War)
Jim served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. Following time served, Jim later became a member of the Knights of Columbus and member of 66 years with American Legion Post #548 Bakerstown through which he helped many veterans and organized Veteran’s Day celebrations for many years. Jim, along with his entire family was involved with the Legion Lancers Drum and Baton Corps, serving in many capacities including president, bus driver/repairman as well as bingo volunteer.
William M. Bogan (WWII)
William served in the U.S. Navy and was stationed on the U.S.S. Wisconsin, a battleship during WWII . Following time served, William became a fourth degree member of the Knights of Columbus # 866 in Butler, the V.F.W. Post #249, member of 62 years with American Legion Post #548 of Bakerstown, the Moose Lodge #64 of Butler, the Saxonburg V.F.D. and the Penn Glade Lions.
William P. Garrison (WWII)
William served in the Philippines & South Korea during WII in the Merchant Marines. William was on the water when they announced the end of the war. After the war ended he processed the soldiers to come back to the United States. William was a lifetime Boy Scout and Eagle Scout and a lifelong Gibsonia resident.
Robert “Bob” R. Heininger (Korea)
Robert served his country during the Korean War in the U.S. Air Force. Following time served, Bob became a member of American Legion Post #548.
Howard Rymer McFarland Jr. (WWII)
Howard served in the U.S. Army during WWII.
Richard O. McLaughlin (WII)
Rich served in the U.S. Army during World War II. Richard’s greatest passion was sharing his love of the stars and planets with his family and was a longtime member of the Amateur Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh.
William Thomas (Vietnam)
William served in the U.S. Air Force during Vietnam.
Anthony Villani (Korea)
Anthony served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War.
Gregg Waters (Korea)
Gregg served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War.
Unknown Tomb (All Wars)
Additional time served for all listed has been requested and will be added to the post once received.
Staging: 9:15 AM
Service will be at the northeast corner of Van Velsor or and Cricthlow Drive
Briefing: 9:30 AM
Flag Line: 9:45 AM
Memorial Ceremony at 10:00 AM
All are welcome including children.
Members can attend all of a mission or any part of the mission. PGR sets no time for a member to escort and or stand a mission. We Thank you for whatever time you give us and the families of our heroes appreciate your time.
Before heading out please watch the weather, dress accordingly, bring your 3×5 American flags and grab your masks,social distancing in enforced.
Ride Captain: Randy Toomey

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