28 Jun 17 |
The family of Navy Veteran Matthew Schneck has requested the Patriot Guard Riders stand to honor his service to our nation at his interment ceremony, Friday, June 30. Matt was a motorcycle enthusiast who served four years active duty and four years in the Naval Reserves. He was a retired Captain for the City of Allentown Fire Department, IAFF 302, and was currently employed as a professional firefighter with Reading Fire Department. He was also an EMT. Matthew Schneck is a patriot who served our country with honor and now it’s our turn to stand and honor him.
IGNC INTERMENT: Friday, 6/30 Interment Ceremony: 1300 HRS
Indiantown Gap National Cemetery
Annville, PA
MAP: https://goo.gl/maps/Q5Rje
Stage at the upper parking lot opposite the rear of the PA Memorial, (turn left at the US Flag Circle). Stage at 1230 HRS.
NOTE: Concealed carry permits are NOT recognized on military installations and federal reservations. Indiantown Gap National Cemetery is a federal reservation. Do not bring weapons or hazardous materials to this mission.
RCIC: Carl Young, RC-Region 8
Email: cyoung4@comcast.net
Phone: 717-873-6455
National link: https://www.patriotguard.org/showthread.php?438948