Thank you from the bottom of our heart for posting the mission to honor Andrew Stevens and his family. Andrew, Katy and the boys lived next door to our Navy son, daughter in-law and grandkids in San Diego until the Stevens moved to North Carolina a year ago. Andrew was truly one of those special people who always had a smile and hugged us when we went to see the kids. He was such a proud husband and dad and American Hero. We are heartbroken for this family.
My wife and I are members of the Southern CA PGR and are from Temecula, CA and wish we could be there Monday to honor Andrew. We are sending our son and daughter in-law Trenton and Jessica Grinstead back on Saturday to honor their friend and be with Katy, Hunter and Logan.
God bless each of you along with all of the PGR for honoring this hero. Here are a few photos of the Stevens family. The two in the picture with Hunter and Logan are our grandkids Payton and Blake.
Again, thank you for being there and…..Thank you for my freedom!