Patriot Guard Riders Pennsylvania
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Eugene “Gene” A. Vittone II Washington County District Attorney & First Responder / 26 August 2021 / Washington, PA


Aug 21


Eugene “Gene” A. Vittone II
Washington County District Attorney
First Responder
26 August 2021
Washington, PA


The Patriot Guard Riders have been invited by the family of Eugene “Gene” A. Vittone II and in coordination of Washington County Sheriff’s Office, to stand in silent honor for his service then escort to the cemetery for interment.

Gene graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 1981 with a B.S. in Biological Sciences . Following that, Gene went on to obtain his Master’s degrees in Business Administration and in Health Administration, also from the University of Pittsburgh. After completing those advanced degrees Gene managed Washington Ambulance and Chair Service and during law school, continued to work as a Paramedic, maintaining his certification for the rest of his life.

For the past decade Gene also served the residents of Washington County as District Attorney, recently named President of the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association, served on the Executive Board for the National District Attorneys Association, member of the Pennsylvania Narcotic Officers Association and the International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators.

Gene served his community with honor, not just in law but also served as a Paramedic,  risking his life saving countless lives, it’s now our turn to honor him.


Thursday, 26 August 2021


Staging: 8:00 AM

Time is critical, dictated by the Washington County District Attorney’s Office for Staging, please arrive on time.
Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church
119 W. Chestnut Street, Washington, PA 15301
Briefing: 8:15 AM
Flag Line set
Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00 AM
Following Mass KSU, escorting for interment
Monongahela Cemetery
800 Country Club Rd, Monongahela, PA 15063
Flag Line set upon arrival of the cemetery for the interment.


Members can attend all of a mission or any part of the mission. PGR sets no time for a member to escort and or stand a mission. We Thank you for whatever time you give us and the families of our heroes appreciate your time.

Also, before heading out please watch the weather, dress accordingly and bring your 3 X 5 handheld American flags.


RCIC: Jules Shubuck
(724) 972-1166

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