Patriot Guard Riders Pennsylvania
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Donald E. Conner, USAAF/WWII Vet, Belleville, PA 22-23, 2015


Jan 15



Donald Conner

Donald E. Conner

US Army Air Force

Pearl Harbor Veteran

Belleville, PA


The family of US Army World War II Veteran Donald E. Conner has requested that the Patriot Guard Riders stand in silent honor of their Hero and then escort him to his final resting place. Mr. Conner’s nephew is Senior Ride Captain Bernie Conner from Florida who will participate with us on this honorable mission. Read his obituary here:—Conner.html?nav=5007


Thursday, 22 January 2015


Flag Line/Visitation: 6:00-8:00PM

Henderson Funeral Home

3813 W. Main St.

Belleville, PA 17004


Staging/Briefing: 5:30 PM at the funeral home


Ride Captain in Charge Thursday: Bernie (Dutchman) Conner



Friday, 23 January 2015


Flag Line/Visitation: 9:30-11:00 AM

Valley View Retirement Center Chapel

4702 E. Main St.

Belleville, PA 17004

Review this map of Valley View to see the location of the Chapel:


Escort to Allensville Presbyterian Cemetery immediately following the funeral service.


Staging/Briefing: 9:00 AM at the King Lane area of the chapel


Please bring your 3X5 hand held flag. Watch the weather and dress and travel accordingly.


Ride Captain in Charge Friday: Dale McGinnis



Co-Ride Captain Friday: Bernie (Dutchman) Conner


One Response to “Donald E. Conner, USAAF/WWII Vet, Belleville, PA 22-23, 2015”

  1. Avatar photo
    Dale McGinnis

    We received this note of thanks from the son of Donald E Conner, who the PGR honored Friday, January 23rd:

    Thank you very much. We were so honored to have those men with us and show such great respect to Dad. We thank you for the plaque honoring Dad. That was unexpected and very much appreciated.

    Please send our heartfelt thanks to all of those who attended.


    Vic Conner

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