Thank you for your interest in joining Patriot Guard Riders! There are 3 simple steps in joining PGR.
1. Click on this link to the PGR National Website. Click on the LOGIN/REGISTER button to join at the top right portion of the Home Page. Follow the instructions completely to register.
Congratulations! You are now a member of Patriot Guard Riders and we are proud to stand with you!
2. Please fill out our Demographics Form. While you filled out much of the same information, National does NOT share the info with the member’s State. The State Captain will receive this document and send you a Welcome Packet.
3. Participate. Your participation matters to the loved ones and friends of the Heroes we are tasked to honor.
REMEMBER: You don’t have to ride a motorcycle to be a member. You don’t have to be a Veteran. The only prerequisite is Respect. You are also encouraged to participate in any missions in any / all PGRPA Regions.
If already a member, but not receiving notifications or cannot login to new website: