Patriot Guard Riders Pennsylvania
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Bernard A. Dillon U.S. Navy, WW II/Korean Veteran February 23, 2016 Bridgeville, PA


Bernard A. Dillon
U.S. Navy, WW II/Korean Veteran
February 23, 2016
Bridgeville, PA
The family of Navy Veteran Bernard A. Dillon has requested that the Patriot Guard Riders stand in silent honor of their American Hero. Mr. Dillon was 90 years old. 
Tuesday, 23 February 16
Flag Line: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Cremation and Funeral Care

3287 Washington Road, McMurray, PA 15317
Staging: 3:00 PM

Briefing: 3:15 PM
The family would like the Patriot Guard Riders to stay and attend a Full Military Honors Service to start at 7:30 PM
Ride Captain in Charge: Lewis Winnecour

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