Request A Mission
Patriot Guard Riders-Pennsylvania stands (and rides) for our active duty military, veterans, and first responders.
There is never a mandatory fee or charge for what we do to honor our Nation’s Heroes.
Y ou have come to this page to request the services of PGRPA to stand for a loved one, here are a few guidelines that we must follow in order for your request to be considered for a mission.
- We must be invited by a member of the immediate family at a minimum of 48 hours notice. Name and pertinent contact info is required.
- We need the Name, Rank, Branch of Service, & Service Era of the Veteran or Active Duty member.
- We need the name & address of the Funeral Home or facility where services are to be held along with the contact information of the Funeral Director in charge.
Honor Mission Frequently Asked Questions:
Who is eligible for a PGR funeral mission? Active duty and honorably or medically discharged veterans, LEO and first responders, and also PGR members (whether a veteran or not).
Who may request a mission? A request must come from a member of the immediate family, Funeral Director or Casualty Assistance Officer (CAO) on behalf of the family.
How do I go about requesting a mission? Our preferred way is the form below, you may also visit our National website and click on “FUNERAL REQUEST” to select a funeral mission or “MEMORIAL MISSION” for a HOTH mission. These forms gives us the majority of information we need to start working on the request. Once submitted, it goes immediately to the appropriate person. You may also email or call the Veteran Liaison or HOTH director directly.
What happens after a mission is requested? Our Veteran Liaison or HOTH director will gather additional information by contacting the submitter and/or the funeral home. They send a request to the Region SRC for an RCIC (Ride Captain in Charge). They determine times and places, write and send a post to National PGR, post the mission on our state website and Facebook, and send an email notification to the appropriate regions. These folks do great work.
What is the RCIC? This is the Ride Captain Charge for a mission. These are members who have volunteered to step up and are trained to lead the mission. At the mission, the RCIC is in charge, regardless of the rank of others attending.
O nce you have obtained as much as the information above that you can, based on the map below, please click on the Funeral Mission Request button to fill out your request and submit to the Veteran Liaison in your area.

(Help On The Home front)
I n addition to funeral escorts and flaglines, PGRPA also does Help On The Homefront (HOTH) missions: Welcome Home/Send Off missions, Fund Raisers for wounded warriors, home builds, and more. For HOTH requests, scroll down further for either East or West.
T he HOTH Missions consist of Unit (and individual) Send Off and Welcome Home Missions. We also work with, and for, our injured or wounded warriors and veterans.
T o request our services for this type of mission, please click on the HOTH Mission Request button to fill out your request and submit to the HOTH Director in your area.