Patriot Guard Riders Pennsylvania
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Good day all

As our hatred of the groundhog  slowly fades we must look to the year ahead of ourselves. Our mission continues though current combat operations wind down. We have accepted the mission that our Veterans deserve a proper funeral and honors that they have earned with their service to this Country. We have many who joined in the early days of conflict but they have faded away. Each and every one of us is an ambassador for the PGR. We must promote the PGR and what we stand for and what our mission is. Let your friends and family know and get them interested, take them to a mission so they can experience what we do each time we sand the line.

If you have been with the PGR for a while ask your Senior Ride Captain what it takes to become a Ride Captain. Our leadership positions are filled from the ranks, we need people to step up. Western PA has stepped up with new Ride Captains and members. Eastern PA is need of people to step up in the Region 6 [Philadelphia area] to fill Senior Ride Captain and Ride Captain positions. If interested, contact Mike Vogt, Asst. State Captain for Eastern PA at

Thank you for all you do, keep the mission going forward.



Douglas Doc Kimbell

State Captain



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